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How to use seeder and Reduce Your Android Lagging

How to use seeder and Reduce Your Android Lagging

Some of you may be having a hard time with your android lagging smart device well worry no more as infopyt is about to show you how to overcome the lag.

What we are talking about is Seeder, android applications that generates entropy that results to a significant reduction of lags and boost its speed.  

 How It Works
Seeder works as a performance tuner and an android manager but it requires RootAccess to perform. This one of the easiest way to boost your android's performance, you may also try disabling android services and apps to increase RAM on your android device.
 Ensure that your android is rooted, if it not rooted do so
Next step will be downloading of the Seeder application.  

 Where Can I Download Seeder
To download the APK, directly download it here. when your are done, copy the downloaded Seeder app and move it to your android device. 

From your android device, find the seeder application which you have copied andinstall it as a normal APK or android application.

After installing, open it and you will notice that there's a combo box which you can select a RNG service performance profile. You may select whichever you want, in my case I use Aggressive and it works best.  

You may check Start automatically on boot to start it automatically when you have just turned on your android and you may also check Suspend RNG service while screen is off so it won't run when your screen is turned off.

Finally, turn it on to start the Service but make it sure that you have granted Superuser rights.

You will see that the application keeps your entropy up, that means that the service is working and it speeds up and reduces lags on your android device.
How to use seeder and Reduce Your Android Lagging How to use seeder and Reduce Your Android Lagging Reviewed by omansinfotech on 6:20 PM Rating: 5

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