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How to delete browsing history on iPad

How to delete browsing history on iPad

Have you been looking for a way to delete browsing history on Ipad but don’t really know to go about it, well infopyt is here to provide you with some steps which you can follow to delete the browser history. We are going to make two methods via safari and settings.
There are two ways to delete browsing history on iPad running iOS 7 - one via the Safari web browser itself, and the other using the Settings app. They are both very simple. Here we explain how to delete the web browsing history on an iPad.

Step 1:

Delete browsing history on iPad, using Safari

·        Open up Safari by clicking the Safari icon in the bottom lefthand corner of your iPad screen.
·        Now click the bookmarks icon, found in the top of your browser window, just to the right of the address bar. It looks like, well, a book.
·        Select the 'History' option. You'll now see a list of all the pages you have visited, together with the day and date on which you went to that site.
·        At the bottom of the light, you'll see the option 'Clear'. Hit this.
You'll now be given two options 'Clear History' or 'Cancel'. To delete your browsing history, simply hit 'Clear History'. And that's it.




Step 2:

Delete browsing history on iPad, using Settings

·        Open up the Settings icon on your homescreen.
·        Scroll down on the lefthand side until you find an entry for Safari. Click it.
·        You'll see the option to Clear History, just above Clear Cookies and Data. Select it.
·        You'll be asked to confirm your choice. Agree to this and your web browsing history will be gone forever.


  === Finished
How to delete browsing history on iPad How to delete browsing history on iPad Reviewed by omansinfotech on 6:03 AM Rating: 5

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