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How to Subscribe for Etisalat Smart-chatpak

 With the Etisalat Smart/Chatpak Tweak, you can download and surf the net with little amount of money while enjoying the amazing speed on your android phone. Below are the steps to follow:

Ø First download Simple android server and install it on your android.
Ø Open ASS and impute the below settings.
Best Etisalat Plan to use:
  •  *200*3*3*1*2*1# valid for 7days and its cost N150 (Average speed, but good for browsing)
  •  *200*3*3*2*2*1# valid for 7days and its cost N300 (High speed. Good for downloading and streaming)
  • *200*3*3*1*2*1# valid for 1month and its cost N500 (Average speed, but good for browsing)
 N/B: If you are on a particular plan before. Ensure to cancel it before subscribing the packages above, just dial this codes *343*5*0# to deactivate.

SimpleServer Configuration For Android Users
 Download Android SimpleServer
 Install it on your Android Device

Create New APN settings On Your Phone As Follows:
 Port: 8080
 APN: etisalat
 Save And Activate it as your default settings.

Open SimpleServer and Configure the Settings as follow:
 Proxy Host:
 Proxy Port: 3128
 Injection Method: GET
 Injection Querry/URL:
 Injection Host:
 Injection line: press your enter key 4 times
 Log Level:DEBUG
 Close the settings and hit the connect button, surf and keep downloading/streaming until you are tired.

Others working proxy
Proxy: Port: 3128
 Proxy: Port: 3128
 Proxy: Port: 3128

Just change your SimpleServer Proxy Host and ProxyPort with any of the above  IP and Port
You can make all your apps work by using AutoProxy or ProxyDroid

How to Subscribe for Etisalat Smart-chatpak How to Subscribe for Etisalat Smart-chatpak Reviewed by omansinfotech on 4:47 PM Rating: 5

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