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How to configure Psiphon For MTN BIS And BBLITED

How to configure Psiphon  For MTN BIS And BBLITED O n Android Devices

For many months now some guys have been flexing with MTN BBLITED subscription flawlessly with the highest speed in town, this is made possible with the use of android simple server, which offer guys the opportunity to surf the net uninterrupted with less cost.
But today am going to show how you can configure Psiphon using the same MTN BBLITED, to cruise the net.
You should note that there is daily, weekly and monthly BIS subscriptions on Mtn so you have wide range of options to begin with. You can test this cheat with the daily BIS which goes for N70 only and it is unlimited.

For daily sub, dial *216*3*1# or *216*7# (costs #70)
For weekly sub, dial *216*3*2# (costs #350)
For monthly sub, dial *216*3*3# (costs #1000)
Alternatively, *123# and follow instructions


>>> You must have Psiphon handler Android app on your phone if you don't have it already.
>>> Launch Psiphon Handler
>>> On the handler menu.

Tick "remove port"
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server -
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
>>> Scroll down and tap on "save"

>>> You will see a pop up message immediately, just tick on "tunnel whole device" 

Then you will see a new window which is the main homepage of Psiphon. Have you seen it? Good!

>>> Now tap on "option"
>>> Select                          
Region : United States
Still on the option page, look down you will see more options at the left hand side
Just tap on it and tick "connect through an HTTP"

>>> And tick on "Use system network setting"
>>>  Go back to Psiphon homepage and tap on "connect"

Wait for few seconds and you will see a key and Psiphon (P) icon at the top of your phone showing that it is connected and you are ready to use your MTN BIS on Android phone flawlessly.

To check your MTN BIS data balance, simply send "STATUS to 21600
How to configure Psiphon For MTN BIS And BBLITED How to configure Psiphon  For MTN BIS And BBLITED Reviewed by omansinfotech on 11:01 AM Rating: 5

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