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How to get Etisalat 150MB for free

How to get Etisalat 150MB for free

Guys, with 150MB every month you can cruse a little while if you are the economic type.

This tweak gives you hope when all is lost, you can use it on PC, and Mobile, once succeed in tweaking the IMEI you are good to go.

To proceed follow the steps Bellow

This is an old tweak, but still active. It involved Imei Tweaking and when you succeed, you will be given 150MB every month over a period of 12 months with no data purchase and the accumulated gives will be 1.8GB of data for a year.

 IMEI to tweak: 861195004******

Just analyzed the remaining six (6) digit number and after succeeded in Imei tweaking
Text T635 to 8186.

Once you succeeded, you will be given Etisalat 150MB automatically every Month for 12months consecutive period.

How to get Etisalat 150MB for free How to get Etisalat 150MB for free Reviewed by omansinfotech on 12:20 AM Rating: 5

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