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Some guys have been finding it difficult to Tweak the IMEI for their MTK device, but don’t worry as we are going to say problem solved.
For mtk devices follow below steps to tweak your IMEI:
Download and launch mobileuncle tool on google playstore or dial *#*#3646633#*#*
1. Select engineering mode then, mtk engineering and swipe to the left and tap CDS information
2. In the new page that opens, tab on Radio Information
3. Another page will open showing you two phones which means two sim cards. select the SIM you want to tweak the imei number. If it is sim 1, select phone 1 and if it is sim 2, select phone 2.
4. Now the place that you will tweak the imei will appear, just place your cursor on the edit section and type any number; press your backspace button and you will see options. Select the first option AT+EGMR=1,7,””  if you chose phone 1 in step 4 and select the second option AT+EGMR=1,10,””  if you chose phone 2 in step 4.
5. In between the two "" type the imei you want to tweak.
e.g. AT+EGMR=1,7,”355945066843724“
6. Now place your cursor just between AT and + sign and press the space key just once to create a space there.
7. Finally, tap on Send AT Command you will receive a successful message that the AT command is sent. Just reboot your phone or switch on and off your airplane mode and you are done.
HOW TO TWEAK IMEI HOW TO TWEAK IMEI Reviewed by omansinfotech on 12:46 AM Rating: 5

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