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DSTV Adds Two New Channels (SS11 & SS12)

DSTV Adds Two New Channels (SS11 & SS12) For Epl and La Liga to Compact Bouquet

Its weekend people and I think this is coming handy to all football lovers. DSTV foresee this one coming hence they needed to make amendment sharply. DSTV took to their page to announce that the Barclays Premier League, La Liga and UEFA Euro 2016 are now available on two new SuperSPort channels SS11 and SS12 on DStv Compact. Meaning if you are a subscriber on its Compact bouquet, you’ll  now be able to watch football matches from these new channels. This is not a promo but a permanent addition to DSTV Compact bouquet.

These new channels Super Sport 11 (DStv Channel 231) and Super Sport 12 (DStv Channel 232) will be dedicated to showcasing the English Premier League (EPL), the Spanish La Liga and Euro 2016.

Not just that but they also announced that there's  an amazing price slash on Explora and Zapper decoders bundled with the Compact bouquet.
The Explora + dish kit + one month ‪#‎DStvCompact subscription is now N30,000; while the DStv Zapper decoder + dish kit + one month #DStvCompact subscription is now N12,500.

So sports lovers can now enjoy!
DSTV Adds Two New Channels (SS11 & SS12) DSTV Adds Two New Channels (SS11 & SS12) Reviewed by omansinfotech on 5:18 AM Rating: 5

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