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Glo Blackberry N1,000 For 3GB Has Been Suspended

Glo Blackberry N1,000 For 3GB Has Been Suspended

Glo BlackBerry subscription 3GB which formally goes for 1k now has been modified. I didn't know what went wrong in the management of Globacom to change this plan.

When I tried subscribing insufficient balance was displaying then I also tried this code *777# I got this message:

So if you still want to continue using this same Glo plan on your android device, then you need to go for any of the above plan. 

So if you want to continued enjoying your Comonth on your devices get your 1400 naira ready and dial *777*21# to subscribe.
Glo Blackberry N1,000 For 3GB Has Been Suspended Glo Blackberry N1,000 For 3GB Has Been Suspended Reviewed by omansinfotech on 11:40 PM Rating: 5

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