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How to cancel MTN Subscriptions

A lot of people have been finding it difficult and annoying to unsubscribe and terminate some of the unsolicited MTN messages, but to no avail as these messages poses cost and deduction to costumers with no benefit attached.

Today we are going to fashioned out how these messages will be stop. Follow the stepsHow Can I Opt Out From All MTN

>>Dial the code *123*5*1# and reply with 2 to
see your active subscriptions
>>Reply with the serial number of each active
subscription shown and that you want to opt out from
>>Reply with 1 to unsubscribe If you have multiple active subscriptions, then repeat the
process and select any active subscriptions to unsubscribe
It’s easy and fast. Anytime you notice any unhealthy
deduction from your account, quickly check to see that
you’ve cancels all active subscription. below to get it done:

How to cancel MTN Subscriptions How to cancel MTN Subscriptions Reviewed by omansinfotech on 10:59 PM Rating: 5

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