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How To Share your VPN WiFi connection

How To share your VPN Wifi connection

Have you always wanted to share your smartphone data plan or BBlited plan to your other device but can't What if you discovered that you can share even your normal daily BB subscription to your pc and other devices with one click.
Majority of us are familiar with Pdanet but not familiar with what you are about to read. This is a better alternative to Pdanet. 

VPN wifi allow you to share your cell phone internet connections with your computers or tablets through wifi and not USB tether. Most importantly it does not require the extra tether plan (mobile hotspot plan) from your carrier or but rooting your Android phone will be required.
Where to Download VPN WiFi?
Download it 

Turn on your Hotspot and click the activate button>> Grant your device root access and you are good to go.

You can now connect any device to your small Jewish mobile phone and hotspot it to any other civilized smartphone. This is indeed a better alternative to Pdanet.
How To Share your VPN WiFi connection How To Share your VPN WiFi connection Reviewed by omansinfotech on 2:46 AM Rating: 5

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