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The Revised Data for MTN, ETISALAT, and Airtel

The telecommunications networks in Nigeria are now looking inward and trying to attract new customers as many has lost a good numbers of their subscribers due to their stance on big money for it data.

But the story has changed as many of them now have a rethink and slash the amounts used for subscription, some have gone to the extends of introducing new packages, the likes of MTN and CO.

 Below is a list of the revised data plans and the networks providers:


 Airtel just reversed it gears regarding its data packages:

Get 5GB for N2.500 dial *437*1#

7GB for N3,500 dial *438#

3.5GB for N2000 dial *437#

1.5GB for N1000 dial *496#

750MB for N500 dial *418# Valid for 14Days. 

And 12GB for N5000

Airtel night plan

The Airtel night plan for those who the vigil, but now is 11pm to 600am unlike the former which started from 12am to 400am.

It gives one unlimited download.

To Get The Airtel Unlimited Night Data plan

1. N100- Unlimited browsing for 1 hour between 11pm and 6am

2. N200- Unlimited browsing for 2 hours between 11pmand 6am 

How to subscribe to the Airtel Unlimited Night data plan?

1. Migrate to the Airtel SmartTRYBE by dialing *312#

2. Dial *312*3# to subscribe to the Airtel Unlimited Night Plan.

Also read Mtn night plan for 1gb for N100


Mtn Introduced 1GB for N500 but on deal zone package for pulse users. With just N500, 1GB will be given to you.

Dial *406*2# (offer valid for 15Days).


Some service providers are unveiling, revealing and releasing, Etisalat was busy making plan B.

I have not used any of these plan but according to others, one can get:

6.5GB forN3,500 (formerly 4.5GB).

Dial*229*2*9#16GB for N8000 (formerly 8GB).

Dial *229*2*5#22GBforN10,000 (formerly 10GB).

Dial*229*2*1# ForN18,000 monthly, you now get 42GB (formerly 20GB). Dial *229*2*3#

What is your view on this?
The Revised Data for MTN, ETISALAT, and Airtel The Revised Data for MTN, ETISALAT, and Airtel Reviewed by omansinfotech on 5:02 AM Rating: 5

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