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How To Get Etisalat 6gb for 70 Naira

Yes we have been starved of downloading large files for a while with little cash in our sims, but you can now smile again as their is a way out. For now let's enjoy while it last.

The secret is the Etisalat BB10 subscription which gives a whooping 6GB for as low 70 naira per day yes is not a joke.

To join the trend follow the below settings carefully.

What Are The Requirements?
=> Psiphon VPN download
=> A 3g internet enabled android phone
=> Subscription to any etisalat BBlite plans

How Do I  Subscribe For Etisalat BBlite Plans
1. For daily, dial *599*2*2# (costs N70)
2. For Weekly, dial *599*2*1# (costs N350)
3. For Monthly, dial *599*2# (costs N1000

If you received request not successful use the SMS code below:

1. Send DLITE to 399 costs N70/daily
2. Send WLite to 399 costs N350/weekly
3. Send MLite to 399 costs N1000/monthly

How To Setup Etisalat BIS On Android

Importantly you must configure your phone’s APN as shown below:
Go to your mobile APN settings and
use this below settings:
Proxy: Empty
Port: Empty

Also read 

How To Configure Psiphon VPN Settings For Etisalat BIS On Android

Install the  Psiphon VPN you downloaded on your phone
And Launch the application
At the handler settings, configure it as listed below:
Proxy type: Real Host
Proxy server:
And click on Save
Then go to your More Option settings and
untick connect through Http Proxy
Finally connect your psiphon and enjoy.

How To Get Etisalat 6gb for 70 Naira How To Get Etisalat 6gb for 70 Naira Reviewed by omansinfotech on 1:40 AM Rating: 5

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