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How to get MTN Free 150MB On MTN game

At last we can smile now not minding the fact that is just 150mb,  but that is not withstanding.

Note that this is not the regular music plus MB which is also 150mb in bits but this one is  is called game data. Though you can also use it to power all apps including using it on PC with the aid of VPN apps andPdaNet.

I will be showing you how to get your own free 150mb and enjoy it with the settings on psiphon that I will show you here.

If you are using  Psiphon to surf before, it won't be difficult for you.

Again if you have used MTN MusicPlus or BBLITED before on psiphon, all you need to change on your psiphon settings is the proxy server and you are good to go.

Leave other settings as it is.
We are currently working hard  to see how to auto renew it or make it accumulative so that you can get more than the 300mb. Just continue visiting as I will immediately update it here once its working and ready.

However, to renew it manually, send stop GM to 2200.

Then send GM to 2200.

How Do I Activate Free MTN Game For 150MB

Go to ur message and Type GM to 2200 You will be given free150mb Check your game mb data balance by dialing this code *559#

To make it 300mb

Just resend JW to 2200 and automatically you will be given 300MB

Launch your Psiphon handler Use these settings.
√√ Tick "remove port"Proxy type - real host
√√ Proxy server -
√√ Real Proxy server -Real Proxy type - inject
√√ Host address Port 8080 tap on save
√√ Now tap on "option"And select...Region : United States Still on the option page, look down you will see more options at the left hand side Just tap on it and tick "connect through an HTTP"tick on "Use system network setting"Finally, go back to Psiphon homepage and tap on "connect"

Enjoy while it last.
How to get MTN Free 150MB On MTN game How to get MTN Free 150MB On MTN game Reviewed by omansinfotech on 12:35 PM Rating: 5

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