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How To Subscribe For Airtel 1.5GB for N50 and 500MB for N25

Airtel Nigeria just suspended it night unlimited plan plan that goes for 100 and 200 naira per hour and two respectively. Yes for many folks out there who loves downloading large file it was the messiah for them as they can download a lot within that specific time without restrictions.

But that is no more as AIRTEL just introduced a data cap for it night browsing, yes it's now 25 naira for 500mb and N50 for 1.5gb yes I tested it and unlike the AIRTEL normal MB that zapps a lot these plans don't zap.

How The previous Airtel Night Plans Worked?

Previously Night Plan used to offer"unlimited data"in 1 hour for the price of N100 while N200 ggrants you another unlimited data for 2 hours period.

But Unfortunately  airtel suspended it for a reason known to them and now they have offer us a capped data.

Note: before you can use this plan, migrate to Airtel Smart Trybe Plan for it to work.

How To Migrate To Airtel SmartTrybe Tariff Plan
Simply dial*312# then reply with 1

How To Activate Airtel #50 For 1. 5GB and 500MB for #25

First Method


Second Method

Dial*312# Then reply with 3 for 500MB for N25 and 1.5GB for
N50 Night Plan 12am - 6am

You can as well use this codes:

How To Subscribe For Airtel1.5GB for N50, 500MB for N25 and 1GB for N500
Dial *312#
Reply with 2 for N500 For 1GB (7 days)
Reply with 3 for 500MB for N25 and 1.5GB for N50 (Night Plan 12am - 5am)
Reply with 4 for N200 for 200mb + 30Min call (Weekend: Sat and Sun).

Enjoy while it last!

How To Subscribe For Airtel 1.5GB for N50 and 500MB for N25 How To Subscribe For Airtel 1.5GB for N50 and 500MB for N25 Reviewed by omansinfotech on 6:29 AM Rating: 5


  1. Is it possible to subscribe twice in a night?

  2. yes my brother very possible, once it finished just resubscribed it.


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