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How To Borrow Airtime From Glo, Airtel, and Mtn

How To Borrow Airtime From Glo, Airtel, and  Mtn

All the telecom giants has now introduced a ridiculous package called “Borrow me credit”. I wonder what all this telecom companies are thinking of.  While we are still anticipating the so called Android Internet Subscription in order to ease us of data usage with less charge, some internal illegal element introduced “Borrow me credit”.

Well, whether you like it or not, some people will always borrow credit. Instead of you wondering where the next money you’ll use for data subscription will come from, you can easily borrow money from any network of your choice.

If you have intention of doing this without paying back, then make sure you use old sim cards that you’ve long forgotten that’s if it’ not been blocked.

How Can I Borrow Money From Glo,Airtel and Mtn
To borrow Credit from any of the telecommunication, just follow the below info;
==>Glo: To borrow money from Glo, just dial *321# and follow the instruction that will display next
==>Mtn: to borrow Money from mtn, just click here
==>Airtel: to borrow airtime from airtel, just dial *500*Amount# e.g *500*1000#
Flex this package while you are on the go.
How To Borrow Airtime From Glo, Airtel, and Mtn How To Borrow Airtime From Glo, Airtel, and  Mtn Reviewed by omansinfotech on 7:45 AM Rating: 5

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