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How To get Glo 2gig for 2k

How to subscrib Glo 2gig for two thousand naira

After some couples of weeks that Glo totally Upgraded Glo BIS on Android and Blackberry device N1,000 for 3GB Plan and everyone was a kind of wondering how expensive the new Absolute and Complete plan will be for N1,400 andN1500 respectively but both carries the same 3GB. 

Glo just introduced a new BIS plan For N1,000 and it gives you 2GB. Works like the previous, only that after seeing the light, I don’t think I can ever waste my N1,000 for this mere 2GB plan when I know fully well that I can get more than that adding just N300 on it.

How To Subscrib To This Plan?
Dial *777*25#

Your N1,000 will be deducted and 2GB will be given to you.
How To get Glo 2gig for 2k How To get Glo 2gig for 2k Reviewed by omansinfotech on 12:52 PM Rating: 5

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